K. Yagasaki [2024a],
Nonintegrability of dissipative planar systems,
Physica D,
461, 134106.
K. Yagasaki [2024b],
Nonintegrability of time-periodic perturbations of single-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian systems near homo- and heteroclinic orbits,
Physica D,
464, 134189.
K. Yagasaki [2024c],
Non-integrability of the restricted three-body problem,
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems,
44, 3012-3040.
K. Yagasaki [2024d],
Semiclassical Perturbations of Single-Degree-of-Freedom Hamiltonian Systems II: Nonintegrability,
Journal of Mathematical Physics,
65, 102707.
S. Motonaga and K. Yagasaki [2024],
Nonintegrability of forced nonlinear oscillators,
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
41, 151-164.
T. Ohsawa and K. Yagasaki [2024],
Semiclassical Perturbations of Single-Degree-of-Freedom Hamiltonian Systems I: Separatrix Splitting,
Journal of Mathematical Physics,
65, 102706.
Y. Takeguchi and K. Yagasaki [2024],
Optimal control of the SEIR epidemic model using a dynamical systems approach,
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
41, 297-316.
K. Yagasaki [2023a],
Nonintegrability of dynamical systems near degenerate equilibria,
Communications in Mathematical Physics,
398, 1129-1152.
K. Yagasaki [2023b],
Integrability of the Zakharov-Shabat systems by quadrature,
Communications in Mathematical Physics,
400, 315-340.
K. Yagasaki [2023c],
Analytic and algebraic conditions for bifurcations of homoclinic orbits II:
Reversible systems,
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations,
35, 1863-1884.
K. Yagasaki [2023d],
Nonintegrability of the SEIR epidemic model,
Physica D,
453, 133820.
K. Yagasaki [2023e],
Nonintegrability of truncated Poincaré-Dulac normal forms of resonance degree two,
Journal of Differential Equations,
373, 526-563.
K. Yagasaki [2023f],
Periodic perturbations of codimension-two bifurcations with a double zero eigenvalue in symmetrical dynamical systems,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,
33, 2330030.
R. Ihara and K. Yagasaki [2023],
Continuum limits of coupled oscillator networks depending on multiple sparse graphs,
Journal of Nonlinear Science,
33, 62.
S. Motonaga and K. Yagasaki [2023],
Obstruction to integrability of nearly integrable dynamical systems near regular level sets,
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis,
247, 44.
K. Yagasaki and S. Yamazoe [2023],
Bifurcations and spectral stability of solitary waves in coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations,
Journal of Differential Equations,
372, 348-401.
K. Yagasaki [2022a],
Optimal control of the SIR epidemic model based on dynamical systems theory,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B,
27, 2501-2513.
K. Yagasaki [2022b],
Existence of finite time blow-up solutions in a normal form of the subcritical Hopf bifurcation with time-delayed feedback for small initial functions,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B,
27, 2621-2634.
K. Yagasaki [2022c],
Nonintegrability of nearly integrable dynamical systems near resonant periodic orbits,
Journal of Nonlinear Science,
32, 43.
K. Yagasaki and S. Yamazoe [2022],
Numerical computations for bifurcations and spectral stability of solitary waves in coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations,
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
39, 257-281.
S. Motonaga and K. Yagasaki [2021],
Persistence of periodic and homoclinic orbits, first integrals and commutative vector fields in dynamical systems,
34, 7574-7608.
T. Saito and K. Yagasaki [2021],
Chebyshev spectral methods for computing center manifolds,
Journal of Computational Dynamics,
8, 165-181.
K. Yagasaki and S. Yamazoe [2021],
Numerical analyses for spectral stability of solitary waves near bifurcation points,
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
38, 125-140.
P.B. Acosta-Humanez and K. Yagasaki [2020],
Nonintegrability of the unfoldings of codimension-two bifurcations,
33, 1366-1387.
K. Yagasaki and T. Stachowiak [2020],
Bifurcations of radially symmetric solutions in a coupled elliptic system with critical growth in R^d for d=3,4,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,
484, 123726.
K. Yagasaki and S. Yamanaka [2019],
Heteroclinic orbits and nonintegrability in two-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian systems with saddle-centers,
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA),
15, 049.
K. Yagasaki and S. Yamazoe [2019],
Bifurcation of relative equilibria in infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems,
18, 393-417.
K. Yagasaki [2018a],
Nonintegrability of the unfolding of the fold-Hopf bifurcation,
31, 341-350.
K. Yagasaki [2018b],
Melnikov processes and chaos in randomly perturbed dynamical systems,
31, 3057-3085.
K. Yagasaki [2018c],
Heteroclinic transition motions in periodic perturbations of conservative systems with an application to forced rigid body dynamics,
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics,
23, 438-457.
S. Motonaga and K. Yagasaki [2018],
Nonintegrability of parametrically forced nonlinear oscillators,
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics,
23, 291-303.
K. Yagasaki [2017],
Rough external feedback control of microcantilevers in atomic force microscopy
Nonlinear Dynamics,
87, 2335-2343.
K. Yagasaki and S. Yamanaka [2017],
Nonintegrability of dynamical systems with homo- and heteroclinic orbits,
Journal of Differential Equations,
263, 1009-1027.
G.H.M. van der Heijden and K. Yagasaki [2014],
Horseshoes for the nearly symmetric heavy top,
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP),
65, 221-240.
K. Yagasaki [2013a],
Application of the subharmonic Melnikov method to piecewise-smooth systems,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A,
33, 2189-2209.
K. Yagasaki [2013b],
Bifurcations from one-parameter families of symmetric periodic orbits in reversible systems,
26, 1345-1360.
K. Yagasaki [2013c],
Nonlinear dynamics and bifurcations in external feedback control of microcantilevers in atomic force microscopy,
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,
18, 2926-2943.
K. Yagasaki [2013d],
Monotonicity of the period function for u''-u+u^p=0 with p¥in¥mathbb{R} and p>1,
Journal of Differential Equations,
255, 1988-2001.
Y. Miyamoto and K. Yagasaki [2013],
Monotonicity of the first eigenvalue and the global bifurcation diagram for the branch of interior peak solutions,
Journal of Differential Equations,
254, 342-367.
D. Blazquez-Sanz and K. Yagasaki [2012a],
Analytic and algebraic conditions for bifurcations of homoclinic orbits I:
Saddle equilibria,
Journal of Differential Equations,
253, 2916-2950.
D. Blazquez-Sanz and K. Yagasaki [2012b],
Galoisian approach for a Sturm-Liouville problem
on the infinite interval,
Methods and Applications of Analysis,
19, 267-288.
B.A. Malomed, T. Wagenknecht and K. Yagasaki [2012],
Families of solitons in Bragg supergratings,
Physica D,
241, 1043-1058.
K. Yagasaki [2011],
Higher-order Melnikov method and chaos for two-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian systems with saddle-centers,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A,
29, 387-402.
M. Shibayama and K. Yagasaki [2011],
Families of symmetric relative periodic orbits originating from the circular Euler solution in the isosceles three-body problem,
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy,
110, 53-70.
G.H.M. van der Heijden and K. Yagasaki [2011],
Nonintegrability of an extensible conducting rod in a uniform magnetic field,
Journal of Physics A,
44, 495101.
K. Yagasaki [2010],
New control methodology of microcantilevers in atomic force microscopy,
Physics Letters A,
375, 23-28.
M. Shibayama and K. Yagasaki [2009],
Heteroclinic connections between triple collisions and relative periodic orbits in the isosceles three-body problem,
22, 2377-2403.
K. Yagasaki [2008],
Invariant manifolds and control of hyperbolic trajectories on infinite or finite-time intervals,
Dynamical Systems,
23, 309-331.
T. Sakajo and K. Yagasaki [2008a],
Chaotic motion of the N-vortex problem on a sphere:
I. Saddle-centers in two-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonians,
Journal of Nonlinear Science,
18, 485-525.
T. Sakajo and K. Yagasaki [2008b],
Chaotic motion of the N-vortex problem on a sphere:
II. Saddle centers in three-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonians,
Physica D,
237, 2078-2083.
K. Yagasaki [2007a],
Bifurcations and chaos in vibrating microcantilevers of tapping mode atomic force microscopy,
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics,
42, 658-672.
K. Yagasaki [2007b],
Extension of a chaos control method to unstable trajectories on infinite or finite-time intervals: Experimental verification,
Physics Letters A,
368, 222-226.
K. Yagasaki and T. Wagenknecht [2006],
Detection of symmetric homoclinic orbits to saddle-centres in reversible systems,
Physica D,
K. Yagasaki, I.M. Merhasin, B.A. Malomed,
T. Wagenknecht and A.R. Champneys [2006],
Gap solitons in Bragg gratings with a harmonic superlattice,
Europhysics Letters,
74, 1006-1012.
K. Yagasaki [2005],
Homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits to invariant tori in multi-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian systems with saddle-centres,
18, 1331-1350.
K. Yagasaki, A.R. Champneys and B.A. Malomed [2005],
Discrete embedded solitons,
18, 2591-2613.
K. Yagasaki and M. Kouyama [2005],
Exclusion of false periodic orbits detected from chaotic time series,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,
15, 659-665.
K. Yagasaki [2004a],
Computation of low energy Earth-to-Moon transfers with moderate flight time,
Physica D,
197, 313-331.
K. Yagasaki [2004b],
Nonlinear dynamics of vibrating microcantilevers in tapping-mode atomic force microscopy,
Physical Review B,
70, 245419.
K. Yagasaki [2004c],
Sun-perturbed Earth-to-Moon transfers with low energy and moderate flight time,
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy,
90, 197-212.
K. Yagasaki and H. Tamagawa [2004],
Experimental estimate of viscoelastic properties for ionic polymer-metal composites,
Physical Review E,
70, 052801.
H. Tamagawa,F. Nogata and K. Yagasaki [2004],
An interpretation on amphoteric gel hardness variation through potential and hardness measurement,
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,
275, 107-112.
K. Yagasaki [2003a],
Degenerate resonances in forced oscillators,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B,
3, 423-438.
K. Yagasaki [2003b],
Galoisian obstructions to integrability and Melnikov criteria for chaos in two-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian systems with saddle-centres,
16, 2003-2012.
K. Yagasaki [2003c],
Nonintegrability of an infinite-degree-of-freedom model for unforced and undamped,straight beams,
Transactions of the ASME,Journal of Applied Mechanics,
70, 732-738.
H. Tamagawa,F. Nogata,T. Watanabe,A. Abe,K. Yagasaki
and J.-Y. Jin [2003],
Influence of metal plating treatment on the electric response of Nafion,
Journal of Materials Science,
38, 1039-1044.
K. Yagasaki [2002a],
Melnikov's method and codimension-two bifurcations in forced oscillations,
Journal of Differential Equations,
185, 1-24.
K. Yagasaki [2002b],
Numerical evidence of fast diffusion in a three-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian system with a saddle-center,
Physics Letters A,
301, 45-52.
K. Yagasaki [2002c],
Detection of homoclinic bifurcations in resonance zones of forced oscillators,
Nonlinear Dynamics,
28, 285-307.
K. Yagasaki and M. Kumagai [2002],
External feedback control of chaos using approximate periodic orbits,
Physical Review E,
65, 026204.
H. Tamagawa,K. Yagasaki and F. Nogata [2002],
Mechanical characteristics of ionic polymer-metal composite in the process of self-bending,
Journal of Applied Physics,
92, 7614-7618.
K. Yagasaki [2001],
Homoclinic and heteroclinic behavior in an infinite-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian system:
Chaotic free vibrations of an undamped,buckled beam,
Physics Letters A,
285, 55-62.
K. Yagasaki and Y. Tochio [2001],
Experimental control of chaos by modifications of delayed feedback,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,
11, 3125-3132.
K. Yagasaki [2000],
Horseshoes in two-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian systems with saddle-centers,
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis,
154, 275-296.
K. Yagasaki [1999a],
Homoclinic tangles, phase locking and chaos in a two-frequency perturbation of Duffing's equation,
Journal of Nonlinear Science,
9, 131-148.
K. Yagasaki [1999b],
Codimension-two bifurcations in a pendulum with feedback control,
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics,
34, 983-1002.
K. Yagasaki [1999c],
The method of Melnikov for perturbations of multi-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian systems,
12, 799-822.
K. Yagasaki [1999d],
Detection of bifurcation structures by higher-order averaging for Duffing's equation,
Nonlinear Dynamics,
18, 129-158.
K. Yagasaki [1999e],
Periodic and homoclinic motions in forced, coupled oscillators,
Nonlinear Dynamics,
20, 319-359.
K. Yagasaki and T. Ichikawa [1999],
Higher-order averaging for periodically forced, weakly nonlinear oscillators,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,
9, 519-531
Proceedings of the ICNBC'96,
International Conference on Nonlinearity, Bifurcation and Chaos:
the Doors to the Future
(J. Awrejcewicz and C.-H. Lamarque, eds.), pp. 263-266).
K. Yagasaki and S. Yamashita [1999],
Controlling chaos using nonlinear approximations for a pendulum with feedforward and feedback control,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,
9, 233-241.
K. Yagasaki [1998a],
Higher-order averaging and ultra-subharmonics in forced oscillators,
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
210, 529-553.
K. Yagasaki [1998b],
Dynamics of a simple model for a wind loaded, nonlinear structure:
bifurcations of codimension one and two,
Transactions of the ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics,
65, 505-512.
K. Yagasaki [1998c],
Numerical detection and continuation of homoclinic points and their bifurcations for maps and periodically forced systems,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,
8, 1617-1627.
K. Yagasaki [1998d],
Dynamics of a pendulum with feedforward and feedback control,
JSME International Journal,
41, 545-554.
K. Yagasaki and T. Uozumi [1998a],
A new approach for controlling chaotic dynamical systems,
Physics Letters A,
238, 349-357.
K. Yagasaki and T. Uozumi [1998b],
Controlling chaos using nonlinear approximations and delay coordinate embedding,
Physics Letters A,
247, 129-139.
K. Yagasaki and T. Uozumi [1997],
Controlling chaos in a pendulum subjected to feedforward and feedback control,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,
7, 2827-2835.
K. Yagasaki [1996a],
Second-order averaging and Melnikov analyses for forced nonlinear oscillators,
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
190, 587-609.
K. Yagasaki [1996b],
A simple feedback control system:
Bifurcations of periodic orbits and chaos,
Nonlinear Dynamics, 9, 391-417.
K. Yagasaki [1996c],
The Melnikov theory for subharmonics and their bifurcations in forced oscillations,
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics,
56, 1720-1765.
K. Yagasaki [1995a],
Bifurcations and chaos in a quasiperiodically forced beam:
theory, simulation and experiment,
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
183, 1-31.
矢ヶ崎一幸 [1995b],
日本機械学会論文集, 61C, 2240-2246.
K. Yagasaki [1994a],
Homoclinic motions and chaos in the quasiperiodically forced van der Pol-Duffing oscillator
with single well potential,
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A,
445, 597-617.
K. Yagasaki [1994b],
Chaos in a pendulum with feedback control,
Nonlinear Dynamics,
6, 125-142.
K. Yagasaki [1993],
Chaotic motions near homoclinic manifolds and resonant tori in quasiperiodic perturbations of planar Hamiltonian systems,
Physica D,
69, 232-269.
K. Yagasaki [1992a],
Chaotic dynamics of a quasiperiodically forced beam,
Transactions of the ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics,
59, 161-167.
K. Yagasaki [1992b],
Chaotic dynamics of quasiperiodically forced oscillators detected by Melnikov's method,
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis,
23, 1230-1254.
K. Yagasaki [1991a],
Chaos in a weakly nonlinear oscillator with parametric and external resonances,
Transactions of the ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics,
58, 244-250.
K. Yagasaki [1991b],
Chaotic dynamics of weakly nonlinear systems with two-frequency forcing,
Facta Universitatis, University of Nis, Series:
Mechanics, Automatic Control and Robotics,
1, 15-38.
K. Yagasaki [1990],
Second-order averaging and chaos in quasiperiodically forced weakly nonlinear oscillators, Physica D,
44, 445-458.
K. Yagasaki, M. Sakata and K. Kimura [1990],
Dynamics of a weakly nonlinear system subjected to combined parametric and external excitation,
Transactions of the ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics,
57, 209-217.
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K. Yagasaki [2015],
Analytic and algebraic conditions for bifurcations of homoclinic orbits in reversible systems,
Nonlinear Dynamics in Partial Differential Equations,
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K. Yagasaki [2005a],
Detection of homoclinic and heteroclinic behavior in Hamiltonian systems with saddle-centers,
Equadiff 2003:
International Conference on Differential Equations,
Hasselt, Belgium,
pp. 984-989.
K. Yagasaki [2005b],
Existence of horseshoes in the generalized Henon-Heiles system under degenerate conditions,
Proceedings of the Fifth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
Paper No. 12-311.
K. Yagasaki [2005c],
Chaos and diffusion in four-dimensional,non-conservative,reversible systems
with saddle-centers,
Proceedings of the Fifth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
Paper No. 13-312.
K. Yagasaki [2005d],
Nonlinear analyses for the dynamics of microcantilevers in tapping mode atomic force microscopy,
Proceedings of the Fifth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
Paper No. 19-307.
H. Tamagawa,F. Nogata,T. Watanabe,A. Abe and K. Yagasaki [2002],
Bending curvature and generated force by Nafion actuator,
2002 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology Proceedings, Bangkok, Thailand,
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K. Yagasaki [2001],
Bifurcations and chaos in forced,coupled pendula,
2001 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference,
Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania,USA, VIB-21625 (CD-ROM).
K. Yagasaki [1996],
The Melnikov theory for subharmonics and chaos, and its extension to forced coupled oscillators,
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K. Yagasaki [1994],
Homoclinic orbits to normally hyperbolic invariant tori and chaos in multi-frequency perturbations of planar Hamiltonian systems,
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Random vibrations of a beam structure with elastoplastic hysteresis,
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K. Yagasaki [2002],
Detection of subharmonics and their bifurcations in forced oscillations:
Some extensions of the subharmonic Melnikov method,
Recent Research Developments in Sound and Vibration,
Transworld Research Network, Trivandrum, India,
pp. 659-695.
K. Yagasaki [1995],
Melnikov's method and chaos in quasiperiodically forced systems,
Nonlinear Dynamics: New Theoretical and Applied Results
(J. Awrejcewicz, ed.), Akademie-Verlag, Berlin,
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