
Minimizing methods and related topics for twist maps and the $n$-body problem

梶原唯加 氏

2022年11月10日(木) 13時30分

総合研究10号館317号室 / Zoom会議 (ハイブリッド)

This talk is divided into 3 parts:(1)Variational structures for infinite transition orbits (2)Periodic orbits of the restricted three-body problem (3)Braid types determined from a family of periodic solutions in the $2n$-body problem. In (1), we consider a variational structure of twist maps for `transition orbits’, which alternately pass through each neighborhood of two periodic orbits. The second deals with the restricted three-body problem. More precisely, we show the existence of multiple periodic orbits in this problem using minimizing methods. The last one is devoted to the study of a relation between braid types and periodic solutions in the planar $2n$-body problem.