
Dynamical stabilization and destabilization of conformation in chain-like bead-spring model

山口義幸 氏

2022年10月20日(木) 15時00分

総合研究10号館317号室 / Zoom会議 (ハイブリッド)

The inverted pendulum is unstable, but we can stabilize it by applying small and fast vibration at the pivot. Recently, emergence of this dynamical stabilization is reported through numerical simulations in an autonomous system consisting of beads connected by stiff springs, and a theory is developed for the system having three beads [1]. A remarkable feature is that the dynamical stabilization depends on the excited normal modes of the springs. We extend the theory to a many-body system, and show that the lowest eigenfrequency mode contributes to dynamically stabilize the associated conformation [2].

[1] Y. Y. Yamaguchi, T. Yanagita, T. Konishi, and M. Toda, Dynamically induced conformation depending on excited normal modes of fast oscillation, Physical Review E 105, 064201 (2022).
[2] Y. Y. Yamaguchi, Mode selectivity of dynamically induced conformation in many-body chain-like bead-spring model, arXiv:2209.02210.