
New Proof of Poincare's Result on the Restricted Three-Body Problem

矢ヶ崎一幸 氏

2021年10月28日(木) 13時30分

総合研究10号館317号室 / Zoom会議 (ハイブリッド)

The problem of nonintegrability of the circular restricted three-body problem is very classical and important in dynamical systems. In the first volume of his masterpieces, Henri Poincare showed the nonexistence of a first integral which is functionally independent of the Hamiltonian and analytic in a small parameter representing the mass ratio as well as in the state variables, in both of the planar and spatial cases. However, his proof was very complicated and unclear. Here a new and simple proof of the result for both the planar and spatial cases is given by using an approach which the speaker developed recently for nearly integrable systems.