
Nonintegrability of nearly integrable dynamical systems near resonant tori, with applications to the periodically forced Duffing oscillator and the restricted three-body problem

矢ヶ崎一幸 氏

2021年7月8日(木) 16時45分

総合研究10号館317号室 / Zoom会議 (ハイブリッド)

We consider perturbations of integrable systems which may be non-Hamiltonian and give sufficient conditions for them to be not meromorphically integrable near resonant tori such that the first integrals and commutative vector fields also depend meromorphically on the small parameter. Our proof of the result is based on generalized versions due to Ayoul and Zung of the Morales-Ramis theory and its extension, the Morales-Ramis-Simo theory, which enable us to show the nonintegrability of differential equations using differential Galois groups of their variational and higher-orde variational equations along nonconstant particular solutions. Moreover, we discuss a relationship of our theory with the subharmonic Melnikov method for time-periodic perturbations of single-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian systems. We illustrate the theory for the periodically forced Duffing oscillator and the restricted three-body problem.