
Configuration flatness of Lagrangian control systems

佐藤 一宏

10月22日(金) 13時30分

M. Fliess et al. were the first who defined the concept of flat systems, which are equivalent to linear ones using a special dynamic feedback called endogenous.
In addition, if a system is flat, the state and input are completely determined by specific functions called flat outputs. From this point of view, a number of studies have been made on tracking control of flat systems.
However, to find a criterion for determining whether a system is flat or not remains to be an open problem.
Some sufficient conditions for flatness have been given in previous studies.
In particular, M. Rathinam and R. M. Murray defined configuration flatness for Lagrangian control systems and provided a sufficient condition for a Lagrangian control system with n degrees of freedom and n-1 controls to be configuration flat.
Roughly speaking, if a system is configuration flat, there exists as many functions on the configuration space, called configuration flat outputs, as controls such that the system's behavior is determined by them.
The aim of this talk is to extend their result.